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German Shepherd Gourmet Meal

This recipe, carefully researched for safety and nutrition, is perfect for my dogs Bandit and Pepe. Before introducing any new ingredient in their diet, I always test it in small amounts to see how they tolerate it. I encourage you to do the same. This approach has been invaluable in keeping their tummies happy and their tails wagging.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Calories 2432 kcal


  • 1.5 lbs lean ground beef (90%)
  • 2 cups cooked brown rice
  • 0.25 lbs fresh or frozen peas
  • 0.25 lbs carrots
  • 1 tbsp flaxseed oil
  • 0.5 lbs cottage cheese


  • Brown the Beef: In a large pan, cook the ground beef over medium heat until it's fully browned. Drain any excess fat.
  • Cook the Rice: In a separate pot, cook the brown rice according to package instructions until it's soft.
  • Steam the Vegetables: Steam the peas and carrots until they are soft but still retain some texture.
  • Combine Ingredients: In a large bowl, mix the cooked beef, rice, and vegetables. Ensure the mixture is well combined.
  • Add Supplements: Stir in the flaxseed oil and cottage cheese, ensuring they're evenly distributed throughout the mixture.
  • Cooling: Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature before serving.
Keyword homemade food for german shepherd